$3,000 into $20,000. $5,000 into $50,000
We can start with $600 but an amount that meager will only finance an ad run on a local level (the Las Vegas, Nevada market only.) I pay out $1800 in 30 days or less off of a $600 investment.

Hey guys, I have been using this ad campaign for over a year now with a partner. On a small scale it has brought me over 500% Return on Investment for about 9 months straight. It is a very high converting product and I expect to see great results when I scale it with my new strategy taught to me by my mentor. He used this to make $700,000 with my herbal oil refining company just buying traffic to the site. I will do all the work, you just invest, and keep 70% of the profits. I will set you up with an account, and you don't have to pay me, but direct to the advertising company. I would like to start with $2,000
The ad campaign will reach 20,000,000 people in circulation
At a 0.5% response rate, (standard response rate between 0.5-1%)
We will see estimated 100,000 clicks to the website
It converts at 2% or higher in my results.
A 30% opt-in rate is to be expected, so we will see about 30,000 subscribers to the email list. Which I will use to remail the same offer, and also similar offers daily. That's where big money is.
Out of 30,000 sales video views, at 2% we expect to see approx. 600 sales, at $80 each, which is of course $48,000. You can keep 70%. I want 30 wired to me once it is said and done. And we can take care of tax issues through your choice.
If you find this interests you, call me on the phone at 971-301-4722. My name is Ray, and I expect this to work even better than expected. When I do right by you, I'd like you to give me a great testimonial. I expect for this to be a one time thing unless we decide to renew. Thanks