I consider this blog entry my message in a bottle. I haven’t made a journal entry here in a while because the Wix domain gets blocked by Facebook, making it impossible to share on that platform. Additionally, I've taken a break from trying to attract the attention of single women seeking a man for intimacy and domestic partnership. Times have changed; more often than not, women expect you to already be financially secure and established, while many seem to place less importance on the intimacy factor. It appears that sex is often leveraged on their terms for their benefit.
This harsh reality leads me to focus on my original objective: to amass six figures or more on my own and to procure five acres of land in rural Oregon for the construction of a family estate, a few tiny homes, and a bodega. Currently, I am struggling in Las Vegas after taking substantial losses in late 2021. This has been a nightmare, as I find no allies or friends in any direction I turn. It’s a very selfish and cutthroat environment.
To achieve my vision, I will need angel investors and possibly venture capitalists, as well as bank backing. It will take a considerable amount of time to reach my goals with my current resources. As a childless, eligible bachelor with ambitions of starting a family, I envision an affordable communal living situation for those interested in living in Oregon's Willamette Valley. I am open to areas like Cottage Grove all the way up to Salem, but I am particularly fond of the Corvallis/Albany area.
If anyone reading this would like to learn more about my mission, I encourage you to text me at 971-301-4722 or email me directly at handsomepotential@gmail.com.