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Stress Relief 4 The LadyBoss *NSFW*

Writer's picture: Carmelia RayCarmelia Ray

Updated: Feb 19, 2024

It's no military secret ladies! You can find a random guy anywhere who will lick your lining and take you to #poundtown if you so desire and request it.

However, how many of you yearn for something #moor meaningful? (Misspelling intentional!)

How many of you still want a Man you can tell the details of your work day to, a Man who will rub your feet, the small of your back, your booty?

Are you frustratingly single? Attached and unhappy? Some of you are staunchly opposed to paying for a date while you reason that you are too intelligent, too sexy and too confident for that. I get it. What if you could meet a MAN who didn't insist on you paying him to satisfy you but he humbly ask that you invest in him??(Because neither his family or so called friends would) Could you stomach that??

What if he was living a very sexless life himself and his eagerness to taste your vagina and plow you thoroughly was #1 priority because your pleasure is his business?!

My love, he exists! As of lately he is practicing semen retention as opposed to haphazardly masturbating daily. Understand though he is looking to make more than just superficial connections on #LinkedIn! If he has it his way, he would like to fix many attitudes, come to know your distinct feminine scent below your waist and piston in and out of many of you until you erupt like a fire hydrant! Yeah that part. For those of you who are disgusted by this blogpost, this isn't for you!

This is for the hardworking female in the #LasVegas area who knows she deserves to pamper herself and is willing to invest in a struggling BLACK businessman who could really appreciate the support of a lady your caliber. Many of you will add him as a contact to be nice and never communicate with him meanwhile you both remain frustrated pining for an intimacy like you haven't had in quite a while. Take a chance this evening or later tonight! Get a room for you 2 to make magic in. He wants a wife and kids but life in Las Vegas has only drained his resources to the point of homelessness truthfully. We can find an excuse to intersect. At the time of this writing it's 4:30 and a #happyhour invitation might be cutting it close but come sundown, he'd be all too appreciative of an invitation to even the most humble of hotel or motel room he can shower and shave in. He's only lived here in the city 2 years and hasn't been very sexually active at all! The prostitute culture and fear of STDs has really curtailed his interest in haphazard sex with random females. If you're reading this, just know his sexual appetite must be boiling so bad he's willing to write a promotional piece in 3rd person in an attempt to get assistance and skip the #datingapps. As always we will leave his contact details below along with relevant hashtags :

#OnlyInVegas,#LasVegasBound, #VegasBaby

#VegasHotspots, #VegasViewsand }pay portal in case you are willing to donate something to get him through the night. (Although a place to shower and shave would mean the world to him ladies!)

Call or text:(971)301-4722

CashApp: $50MilMakana

PayPal: @50millmoor



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