I’ve developed quite a carnal appetite for peaches and cream. Eating from a woman’s secret garden offers me a chance to savor flavas otherwise inaccessible by any other means. Whether I’m perusing profiles on Hinge, Bumble or OkCupid, I find myself wishing and hoping to match with a woman who loves and appreciates an enthusiastic cunninglinguist. That’s how into lip service I am.

Sometimes I wonder if it’s a proclivity that developed due to the fact that my first girlfriend encouraged me to chew the cooch regularly.I knew I’d be a shameless munch after her. Her tanginess, her divine feminine scent drove me wild fueling my preoccupation and future addiction to this very feral act. I remember writing oral-soaked fan fiction as young as 17.I remember the days I’d massage my longaniza whilst sniffing my best friend’s sister’s panties. I remember her scent and how badly I wished she’d let me Australian kiss her attentively …passionately.

Some time ago, I started a woman’s empowerment blog, it’s purpose was to connect with ladies who enjoy a very discreet and intimate form of pleasure and relaxation. I offer practical advice on beauty and personal care as well as sexual health and relationships. My chief objective, moor successful networking with the opposite sex. I’m proud of this blog, enthralled by the feeling that I am filling a void where my business meets a woman’s desires ..my intimate obsession. I’m addicted to satisfying fine ladies with my tongue. It’s not taboo or inconvenient to me, it’s my pleasure. The natural intimate fragrance of a woman is delicious. A husband’s supper is magical! Signing up for dating apps aren’t bringing me any closer to meeting my Queen.
Doesn’t matter how intense the vibrator, how fast the fingers, or how well-angled the pubic bone – it’s not warm, it’s not wet, it’s not entirely fulfilling whereas a Helpful Hunk can be ladies.

In that way, I feel that it would be 100% reasonable and expectable for a woman to consider cunnilingus mandatory in all of her sexual relationships. Naturally, not every woman likes receiving oral sex and not every partner is interested in giving it, but no woman should ever be shamed out of asking for oral if it’s what she wants. It’s every bit as valid, important, and wonderful as a blowjob could ever be.
It's my observation that women are constantly being told that there’s something wrong with their genitals – clit too big, labia too long, pussy too loose, too tangy, too smelly. Theres something incredibly powerful about someone being willing, even wanting, to take all that into their mouth. Oval Rosado promotes the Helpful Hunk to systematically offer women stress relief while simultaneously eradicating today’s all pervasive vagina-hate.

To this day, cunnilingus is still the fastest way to pay a woman the greatest tribute to her femininity. Flourish Fulfills was a campaign created by Oval Rosado for women who wish to provide a Helpful Hunk with an adult happy meal and Squirt!
I can only hope to find a lover who loves the whole concept of being consumed as much as I enjoy munching. Going pearl diving on a female is not only my daily preoccupation but also a prerequisite to penetrative sex. Until my future wifey and prosperity partner discovers the enthusiastic clam eater in me, it looks like my private self love sessions will continue to be driven by fantasies of giving lovely ladies unforgettable mustache rides.
Ladies, if you’re shy yet need to be licked and suckled between your thighs, let’s talk about it.
I’d love to know what your scent is girl…..
Text me : 971-301-4722
Email: helpfulhunk@ovalrosado.com